Fathers play an important role in a children's mental growth. Kids look to the fathers to set and obey the regulations. They often appeal to the fathers to give them a sense of physical and emotional health.
Get alot of sleep, eat spinach and oatmeal, and i prefer printing out practice georgia milestones forms. i hate the georgia milestones :(
The dance squad had eight members when it won the competition.
A relative clause can be used as an adjective or an adverb. Relative clauses must contain both a subject and a verb. They also begin with a relative pronoun (question words and that). The relative clause in the last option is "when it won the competition". It starts with "when" which is a relative pronoun. It describes when the action takes place which makes the entire clause an adverb. It has a subject "it" and a verb "won". Options B and C should be immediately thrown out because they do not have a relative pronoun. Option A does not work because there is no subject after "that".
the purpose of the lottery has remained the same. The town gathers to draw lots and determine who dies. Some parts of that ritual have changed over the years, though, including the box from which the lots are drawn and the ceremony...
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