I personally think Ralph but others may think differently
To be a good leader, one must cater to the people while still being responsible and taking charge. In the story “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, a group of boys get stuck on an island without adults from a plane crash. Two of the main characters, Ralph and Jack, wish to be leader, but eventually end up splitting into two groups that result in a bit of a rivalry. Between the two, Ralph is a much better leader.
Ralph cares more for the boys than Jack. When mentioned, Ralph shut down the idea of the beast in attempt for the boys not to worry, “But I tell you there isn’t a beast!” (Golding, pg. 36) Jack let them believe in the beast, “but if there was a snake we’d hunt it and kill it.” (pg. 36) This shows that Ralph doesn’t want the others to think it is possible so they don’t fear and only focus on the beast, while Jack lets them believe in the beast and fear it. Ralph accepted and listened to everyone, including Piggy, but Jack always shut Piggy down for no good reason and punished anyone that wouldn’t listen to him, trying to take complete control of them like they were his puppets.
communication is like a puzzle because there are a variety of elements or 'pieces' that must be present to create a clear message or 'picture'
Alliteration: bloated clouds bulging and billowing
Personification: The storm crept in upon us; the feeble sun limped away and died; the howling of the wind
Imagery: its bloated clouds bulging and billowing to create a fortress that walled off the sky.Behind these towering, stratospheric ramparts; the official soundtrack of the apocalypse
Alliteration is a device in which consonant sounds are repeated at the beginning of words that are close in proximity in the structure. In the passage we are analyzing here, the /b/ sound is repeated in "bloated clouds bulging and billowing."
Personification is a literary device in which human qualities are attributed to inanimate objects. In the passage we are analyzing here, the author says the clouds crept upon them, the sun limped and died, and the wind howled. Those actions can only be performed by humans or animals, but not by inanimate objects. The purpose is to emphasize feelings and ideas.
Imagery consists of appealing to the five senses when writing, with the purpose of describing something vividly. To be fair, the whole passage consists of imagery. The description of the clouds, the sun, and the wind appeals to sight and hearing.
The correct answers are to study medicine; adverb.
Infinitive phrases are relatively easy to spot - they begin with the word to, are followed by the main verb, and the rest of the words closely connected in meaning. In the example above, the infinitive phrase is <em>to study medicine - </em>we have the word <em>to, </em>the verb <em>study, </em>and the object <em>medicine. </em>(Even though the phrase <em>to college </em>also begins with <em>to, college </em>is not a verb but rather a noun - this is a prepositional phrase).
The use of the infinitive phrase is adverbial - it means that it can tell us the time, place, manner, etc. of the verb, of the action being performed. In the example above, we see the reason why <em>Candice went to college. </em>
I bought a very low maintenance lawn mower this summer.