A. sounds
As you know, words that rhyme end with a similar sound. Rhyme and time, beat and heat, and friends and trends are all examples of rhyming words.
“Mary Had a Little Lamb” has only two rhyming words. Both come at the end of a line of verse.
As in rap lyrics, the use of rhyming in lyric poetry can be very elaborate. As you will see in “The Raven,” rhyming words can come at the end of lines of verse (end rhyme), or they can be located within one or more lines of verse (internal rhyme).
Repetition is the use of any element of language—a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence—more than once. Poets use many kinds of repetition to add emphasis, drama, or musical rhythm to a poem.
Rhyming is a form of repetition in which the sound is repeated. Now you will learn about two other types of repetition used in lyric poetry: refrain and alliteration.
Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, such as many Mondays, or dazzling dream. This type of sound repetition can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.
A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. Rhyming is particularly common in many types of poetry, especially at the ends of lines, and is a requirement in formal verse.
Raise and butcher human babies, the number of souls in this kingdom being usually one million and half..
I would be part of the group of humans, because although they are physically weaker than the apemen, they have a more developed intellect, which is essential to win a war.
"The Lost World" is a novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and presents a story about an exploration in the Amazon basin of South America, where it is still possible to view prehistoric animals, which stimulates the curiosity of scholars, scientists and teachers .
This region also has numerous tribes of natives, who often come into conflict with animals. Among these animals, the apemen, which are an intermediate species between the higher apes and hom0 sapiens, can be mentioned.
Although the apemen have a physical strength greater than that of human beings, their intellect and rationality is less than that of human beings, which is a great disadvantage for them in a war against humans. This is because winning a war requires strategies to be established and these strategies are not developed with force, but with a great ability to reason, something that humans have more development.
D.) illustrate Appleseed’s humble station.
The different comparison in this excerpt all show that Johnny Appleseed does not have much. Monks do not have wordly possessions and neither do Hindu sages. His hat is described as an old tin pan rather than something more glorious. This all shows that Appleseed has a humble station in life. Humble means to show that you feel you have low importance in life. The lack of wealth description shows this low standing.