1. 今夜はどうですか?2. 私は元気です1. あなたは空腹ですか?2. はい1. ディナーメニューをお読みください?2. 私たちのために注文してください1. あなたは魚を食べたいですか?2. はい1. 前菜はどうですか?2. 確かに1. あなたはワインのボトルを共有しますか?2. すばらしいです!
#1 is bound. 2 held together by ties
#2 is tire. 1 to use up strength or energy
#3 is store. 1 to gather and keep for future use
#4 is bound. 2 to. leap; spring
Every human is bound to be respected and be given the right to do what is right and decide for himself. If these rights are violated, someone may result to do several things. Some of which is nonacceptance of the situation, rebelling, or does not even know what to do with the situation. A not-so-peaceful mind of an individual consequently leads to the chaotic community.
I'm pretty sure #1 is Precision
other than that, I'm not sure. sorry I couldn't be of more help!