They help readers connect to the idea that human eyes cannot see everything.
Let's identify the reason why Mary cries when sick according to her age.
If Mary is an infant, she's crying because she probably wants water.
If Mary is an adolescent, she probably wants her Ma.
If Mary is an adult, she cries when she's sick because she is tired.
So, how old is Mary?
To be honest with you no it should not believe me I know it suck to wake up in the morning but the afternoon is where your day really starts and you actually have fun but I understand why people would want to start school later but at the same time not worth it who want to be in school at 2 to like 8 no thanks you think about it this way in the morning you sleep till who knows what time you wake up then you have to go to school then you get home like 5 or 6 7 8 9 whatever then you have homework it just no life Believe me
i need to get some school work done, or my mom said no.