1. Well known
Holding an elected office, whether it’s a Senator or local PTA President, bestows upon the owner a certain amount of prominence among their constituents. When it comes time to vote, name recognition is one of the primary benefits of incumbency, especially in more obscure races. This association is often enough to overcome challenges from more obscure rivals.
2. Institutional Support
By running from within the system, officials can use many of the advantages that come with their office. Interest groups and other supporters are much more likely to get behind someone with a proven track record of responding to their needs than an unknown challenger. Also, there are many tools and resources available to office holders through the system of support behind the organization, like voter databases as well as contact information, that can be used to their advantage.
3. Fund Raising
Connections with powerful constituencies and the power to influence decisions on their behalf often allows incumbents to raise far more money than those who are working from outside the system. Historical precedent and data confirms that elected officials are often able to out raise and spend their opponents in races that require fund raising.
We Cant Exactly Write an essay for you but T<span>hink about Machiavelli’s ideas on political leadership. Is he right? Is he wrong? Should we expect our political leaders to always be virtuous as well as effective? Which is more important in a leader, virtue or effectiveness? Why? Write an essay explaining your answers to these questions. </span>
<span>Read and decide if he is right or wrong. Take point form notes to prove your point.
Hope it Helps Daniella!
Bishweshwar prasad koirala
bhanubhakta's poems
poineer also known as aadikabi
motiram bhatta
As for material wise, the English realized that the American Colonies could provide a stable stream of funds that relied on the production, refining, and sale of many different supplies and crops. Such examples would be Tobacco, Sugar (not 100% on this one), and Cotton (later on). Other products that could be produced in the Americas were whale oil and seafood. As for influence, the English noticed that they could claim large parts of Unclaimed (and sometimes claimed, which they woukd fight for) North America such as parts of Canada and almost the entire East Coats in order to spread the influence of the Crown further throughout the world. It was also a power struggle fight between Britain, France, and Spain, which was another reason for the colonies.
The answer is A, each is nominated by his or her respective party