Black is the darkest color, the result of the absence or complete absorption of visible light. It is an achromatic color, a color without hue, like white and gray. It is often used symbolically or figuratively to represent darkness, while white represents light
Use of power / authority is very common at work space. Compelling subordinate to do a task out of their job description and firing them in case they fail to do so is use of power. Same is mentioned in the question statement that Marietta's boss may fire her for not doing something which is not in the job description.
Following are the solution to this question:
There are various methods of measuring the economic welfare programs are accessible. The main mechanisms of calculating the welfare programs of its society are a partial equilateral method and a univariate most triangular model.
There is still a new approach for Gross Domestic Product health assessments. They may measure state pensions by adjusting GDP.
Metric preference requires a great deal of freedom or based strategy models. Ideal economic policies mean, if there is a risk for trade deficits, a currency controls policy is a type of trade protection policy.
Ok good to know what the question do you want evidence to support go against or did you just want to share that factv