<span>Before the Progressive Era many young women and minorities weren't educated to the level of white males. During that time education was all about who you were in society and not what you could be with proper education so many only finished primary school. The Progressive Era was a time when more high schools were being built allowing people from all walks of life to continue their education. Because of that movement high school became the new norm in education.</span>
Evolution and Natural change.
pues sus aspectos POSITIVOS SON:cosas antiguas con mucho turismo y con construcciones raras en el caso de edificaciones NEGATIVOS SON:posibilidad de derrumbe o como por ejemplo acumulacion de malos olores en distintos lugares de la edificacion tambien que no se le pueden hacer ninguna modificacion ya que son patrimonios culturales
Today; people go to store or to the market
People farmed or fished
Fishing and farming