Improved food sources
Artificial selection is also known as selective breeding. Its a deliberate process of breeding plants and animals for better breeds.
It's also called genetic engineering.
This in a way impacts the society positively as crops with better yield are produced. Example is wheat that has more grain or in animals, cow that produces more milk.
<span>Dendrochronology (or tree-ring dating) is the scientific method of dating <span>tree rings.</span></span>
THE CELL-MATCHING Nome Kocelle Match the descriptions in Column with the name in Column Column ! - 1. holds nucleus together a. Golol bodies 2 surface for chemical activity b. nucleus 3. units of heredity ochromosomes 4. digestion center d. VOUI 5. where proteins are made o rosomes 6. structures involved in mitosis in animal cells only 1. endoplasmic reticulum 7. microscopic cylinders that support nucleor membrane and give the cell shape h controles 8. shapes and supports a plant coll cytoplasm 9. stores and releases chemicals chlorophy 10. food for plant cells is made here k chloroplasts 11. spherical body within nucleus 1. col (plasma) membrane 12. controls entry into and out of coll m. cell wall 13. fraps light and is used to produce n. mitochondria food for plants olysosome 14. chromosomes are found here p. genes 15. Jellylike substance within cell a nuclear pore 16. contains code which guides all cell nucleolus activities S. plastid 17. minute hole in nuclear membrane 18. "powerhouse of cell 19. contains water and dissolved minerals t. microtubule 20. stores food or contains pigment Biology 1F8765 cinstructional Fair,
Flow of individuals in and out of a population introduces new alleles and increase genetic variation within that population. Mutations: changes to an organisms DNA that create diversity within a population by introducing new alleles.