A. Nonnative species that are superior competitors
I think that correct answers are:
<span>Some of them lose their leaves in winter. (i.e. <span><em>Larix</em></span>)</span>
<span>They include the tallest plants (i.e<em>.Sequoia)
</em>I don't think they are the oldest type of seed plants, since in the past the classes like progymnosperms and seed ferns existed prior to the gymnosperms. But question isn't absolutely clear to me and I can't be 100% sure.
All of the gymnosperms have seeds unless human grows some seedless variant.
Gymnosperms don't have flowers like angiosperms do, but some people think that cone is kind of flower.
Male cones produce pollen, not female.
Hope I helped :)
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contractile vacuole.
Contractile vacuole is an organelle which is damaged from the antibiotic and as a result the cell burst. The main function of contractile vacuole is to regulates the quantity of water inside the cell. If the contractile vacuole is damaged so it does not regulate water required by the cell as a result more water enters inside the cell which results in the bursting of the cell.
The major characteristic feature of asexual reproduction is the production of clones.Identical offspring with virtually similar DNA.Therefore,this is advantageous to the parasite because, the offspring or progeny produce are similar(clones), to the parent parasites,thus multiple reproduction can occur when a single individual parasites cells divisions.
Several genes determine your skin color; this is a DNA-generated phenotype. However, if you spend a lot of time in the sun, your skin will be darker. This is an environmental influence on your phenotype.