I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you’re asking, if I can be of assistance let me know.
true. Sometimes people with diabetes have to get a part of their body removed due to chronic complications.
The lens with 4x magnification or the lowest power objective
When you use the low power objective, you have a wider field of view. This would make locating the specimen a lot easier than it would be if you used one with a higher magnification. Once you focus the microscope using the low power objective, you can switch to the higher magnification lenses.
Answer: Forensic palynology is the study of pollen, spores and other acid-resistant microscopic plant bodies, including dinoflagellates, to prove or disprove a relationship among objects, people and places that pertain to both criminal and civil cases.
Pollen, in basic terms, is plant sperm, which helps fertilize eggs in a plant's pistil.