I'd say by rounding and similar techniques the answer is 468, though it doesn't say all the needed numbers.
Triadic color scheme - the triad color scheme is three colors on the color wheel in a triangle. example orange, purple, green
Complementary color scheme - colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. complementary color schemes have a more energetic feel. the high contrast between the colors create vibrant looks. example blue and orange, red and green, purple and yellow.
hope it helps
please mark as brainliest
It was first a practice piece than 16th century came and it was a upheaval music.
A. The politics of peace and war in Europe at the time
Wim Crouwel
Wim Crouwel was a graphic designer from the Netherlands famously known for his work that represented experimental and functional. He contributed his designs in museums by embracing grid and typefaces methods to design catalogues, posters, and exhibitions. He co-founded Total Design company in 1963, which became an international company to produce designs for business.