Can you please list the answers to choose from this is to vague. <span />
Dispute resolution at initial level injects a sense of security and belief in an individual and hence improves the relationship between the two
The internal conflicts between the people and institution if resolved at an earlier stage build confidence in people working in the institution. They also start respecting the institution and start believing that their voices are also heard irrespective of their post.
This also brings clarity in relation and expectations both at the institution and individual level. Once a strong bond develops through this exercise of dispute resolution at initial level, the relation between institution and people become co-ordial.
中文泛指汉语语族及其书写系统。现代汉语(普通话)是世界上使用人数最多的语言。使用人数已达到十七亿以上。在中国,大陆使用简体汉字,港澳台地区使用繁体汉字。海外华人地区多使用繁体汉字。汉字的起源,有传说中的仓颉造字。我们现在能够确认距今约3000多年的甲骨文已经是非常成熟的文字体系,于1899年被发现。可以考证的汉字发展经历了甲骨文、金文、小篆、汉隶、楷书、行书、草书等过程,可以划分为两个大阶段。从甲骨文字到小篆是一个阶段;从秦汉时代的隶书以下是另一个阶段。前者属于古文字的范畴,后者属于近代文字的范畴。大体说来,从隶书到今天使用的现代汉字形体上没有太大的变化。从汉字跟汉语的关系看,汉字是一种语素文字。汉字代表的是汉语里的语素。汉字有独体字与合体字的区别。从构造上讲,合体字比独体字高一个层次 。合体字可以分成以下 3 类:①形声字。由表示意义的形旁和表示读音的声旁两部分组成;②合体会意字。是会合偏旁的字义来表现整个合体字的意义;③合体记号字。这种合体字的偏旁既不表意,也不表音。跟拼音文字相比,汉字最大的长处是能够超越空间和时间的限制,汉语是全世界唯一的三维文字,既有表音,又有表意,还有表形,是现阶段人类文明中最稳固也是最先进的语言体系 。
Babur (1483-1530) was a conqueror and warrior and he founded the Mughal Empire in India. Babur was a descendant from the famous Turkic conqueror Timur The Lame. On his mother´s side, his family line descended from Gengis Khan. His first conquests as emir of Ferghana were made in Central Asia, including Samarkand in today´s Uzbekistan, but he lost them because of power intrigues and betrayals. However, his great chance came in India, where he coveted the Delhi Sultanate. He defeated the army of sultan Ibrahim Lodi and took his throne in 1526. This is the beginning of the Mughal Empire.