On the northern rim of the region, the height of the Himalayas restricts the warm moist monsoon air from moving across the mountain range. The Himalayas act as a precipitation barrier and create a strong rain shadow effect for Tibet and Western China. The monsoon is responsible for much of the rainfall in South Asia.
espero que esto ayude :) I hope this helps :)
What is the difference between society and community? is that the society is built upon interactions with varied people whereas the community is the collection of people with similar interests, essentially residing in one geographic place. The individual is the basic component of both community and society.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre sociedad y comunidad?
es que la sociedad se basa en interacciones con personas variadas, mientras que la comunidad es la colección de personas con intereses similares, que residen esencialmente en un lugar geográfico. El individuo es el componente básico de la comunidad y la sociedad.
The answer I usually get (and I'm paraphrasing here) is that they disappear and are instead absorbed as heat energy.
But I find it hard to believe that the photon simply "disappears." Common sense tells me it must turn into something or other, not just simply poof out of existence; then again, common sense has betrayed me before.
Forgive me if this is obvious; high school physics student here who's just learned about light and is greatly confused by all this.