The coastal ocean seems to be more productive than the waters of the similar height in the open ocean due to ample availability of water, sunlight, and nutrients. The coastal ocean has more nutrients due to the process of upwelling, that is, movement of water offshore by the currents.
Also, water situated on the continental shelves is comparatively shallower and thus it is turbulent. This mixing or turbulence keeps settling the nutrients stirred up and accessible, and eventually, ample of nutrients erode off the continents themselves and so water nearby to the shore seems to be greater in nutrients.
On the other hand, in the surface water away from the coastlines, usually, there is a lot of sunlight but no availability of adequate nutrients. Therefore, the majority of the ocean surface is not much productive.
A. 1000 grams. 1000 is divided by ten each time it goes up the trophic scale. since it goes up 2, 3 and 4, the answer is 1000. (1000/10/10/10=1)
Multicellular organisms are made of more than one cell and are complex organisms.
They are visible to the naked eye.
They possess distinct organs and organ systems.
They are eukaryotes, i.e., they contain membrane-bound structures.
Their cells exhibit division of labor.
Their size increases with the number of cells in an organism
A recessive allele is shown in the phenotype
All the energy comes from the sun. a small amount of sunlight energy is trapped by green plants and used in photosynthesis to form organic materials in plants that are sources of food to the rest of the animals. Animals get this energy when they feed on plants directly like the herbivores or indirectly like the carnivores.