From the Industrial Revolution to the rise of mass production in the early 20th century, women transformed their relationship with the union movement. During the 19th century, women entered factories in large numbers, working fourteen hours a day, six days a week in dangerous jobs for low pay. In response to these conditions, young female textile workers organized America’s first industrial protests, strikes, and reform groups. Despite these efforts, women were generally excluded from the larger labor movement.
This excerpt from a letter is a critical primary source, since it was written in the first person and shows the extent to which many patriots during this time were willing to risk their lives for liberty.
El 27 de septiembre de 1821, el Ejército Trigarante entró a la Ciudad de México. Este hecho marcó, simbólicamente, la consumación de nuestra independencia.
Terra heleda hope this helps
The belief that the Aryan race (Caucasian, Blonde-hair, blue-eyed
Northern Europeans) are better than other human races (especially, in
regards to the Jewish race)