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The correct answers are:
Middle Ages / A.D. 500 to A.D. 1450
astrolabe / an instrument to chart a course
serfs / peasants
feudal system /social, economic, political way of life
Crusades / religious wars
manor / estate
Middle Ages refer to the historical period from V to XV centuries in Europe. This period started with the fall of Western Roman Empire and ended with the great geographical discoveries in Renaissance.
Astrolabe represents an astronomical instrument from the classic era, based on a stereographic projection, used for determining the portion of the visible sky, determining the time and for horoscope elaboration.
Serfs were agricultural laborers in the feudal systems. They were obliged to work on their lord’s property and to plot the land, so they didn’t have any civic rights.
The feudal system refers to the social relationships during the Middle Ages, based on vassals who served their feudal seniors, and the seniors provided them with protection and land. The main goal of the feudal system was to exchange land for work.
The Crusades (1095-1492) were holy wars where participated knights from France and the Holy Roman Empire, fought to defend Christianity and to liberate Christ’s tomb in Jerusalem.
Manor refers to the estate, that is, a large country house with lands, built during Middle Ages. It consisted of a landed estate, which belonged to the feudal lordships.
The Bill of Rights. ... It spells out Americans' rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States