Most Americans were in the middle of happy but a little mad. It helped get Reagan elected because he was part of that.
The U.S. Bureau of Refugees, Freedman's and Abandoned Lands, popularly known as the Freedmen's Bureau, was established in 1865 by Congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War ,1861-65.
Humans benefit from Prometheus’ decision to defy Jupiter because they gain fire, and Prometheus teaches them how to cook, protect themselves, and make tools. The humans become more civilized and get rid of their animal-like ways. As a result of Prometheus’ actions, humankind becomes happy once again.
Make sure to sum it up and put it in your own words, have an awesome day!
Because Japan refused to surrender causing the Pacific war to drag on and the United States offered a unconditional surrender known as the Potsdam declaration and said if they didn’t agree to it they would face the alternative of prompt and utter destruction and Japan ignored it