a. Groupthink
Groupthink is a problem in which group members strive to maintain cohesiveness and minimize conflict by refusing to critically examine ideas, analyse proposals, or test solutions.
It's a sort of uncompromising consensus that can serve only in a former stage of a given plan, or equivalent I think. An example of this, is taking place nowadays in the Venezuelan conflict, where official opposition (Asamblea Nacional; sort of Parliament) are inhibited of criticizing their internal mistakes or approaches to combat Chavismo tyranny, and fail discarding other voices in the opposition that claim to ask for help from the international community, as Maduro and Chavismo represent a criminal state.
En un Bote
si vives hasta ya bien lejos pues en bote pero vas a sufrir mucho, eso si.
D. All of the above
Film is a recorded movie and it will always be the same, no matter what or how many times you watch the film because there is no constant change.
Theatre, however, is sometimes a constant change, there are understudies that need to be filled in and that understudy gives off a different vibe than the originally casted member in the show. There might be accidents, etc. Audience will always change as well since it almost a different show each time, say for instance today the performance was great, but tomorrow, they need an understudy to cover and it gives a different vibe. Every person casted in the show is usually comfortable with who has usually played in the show the most and constantly interactive and there are no "CUT!" or any redos, and have to continue on with show.
Answer: description analysis interpretation and judgment
Explanation: hope this helps ;)