Tape 6 was the tape that belonged to bryce walker
the bright street lights.
the bright street lights make it difficult to see the starts since the street lights over power the stars.
A is wrong because it has a period after, <em>down</em> when it should be a comma. The comma signals that that part of the sentence is what he is saying. He is also capitalized when it should be lower case. B is wrong because it has nothing after, <em>down</em> and nothing after <em>said</em>. C is wrong because again, there's nothing after <em>down.</em> The part option C did get right is the comma after said. D has all the commas in the right places and all the words are capitalized when they're supposed to.
The two parts of the passage that are punctuated correctly are:
"What will happen to America’s economy (and its spirit) when high schoolers can no longer work the fast-food jobs and restaurant hostess positions?"
"Like anybody who is inexperienced, the teenage driver must suffer through a legitimate period of self-doubt and skills acquisition."