State of Maryland lacked the power to tax the bank
The desire to colonize their own people onto better land, growing better food,and stronger livestock....
Globalization must be expected to influence the distribution of income as well as its level. So far as the distribution of income between countries is concerned, standard theory would lead one to expect that all countries will benefit. Economists have long preached that trade is mutually beneficial, and most of us believe that the experience of widespread growth alongside rapidly growing trade in the postwar period serves to substantiate that. Similarly most FDI goes where a multinational has intellectual capital that can contribute something to the local economy, and is therefore likely to be mutually beneficial to investor and recipient. And a flow of capital that finances a real investment is again likely to benefit both parties, since the yield on the investment is expected to be higher than the rate of interest the borrower has to pay, while that rate of interest is also likely to be higher than the lender could expect at home since otherwise there would have been no incentive to send it abroad. Loose talk about free trade making the rich countries richer and poor countries poorer finds no support in economic analysis.
You're welcome xP
hi kev! i hope this will help you1
Radio was probably the most used form of propaganda during the war.
The programs could be broadcast throughout the United States and around the world, which helped expand its reach.
The programs that were popular during this time were the "Fireside Chat" of President Roosevelt, which was a radio program with him.
The show was created in the 1930s, but made several of them during World War II.
At first, the films were quite neutral to war than anything else.
After Pearl Harbor, this changed completely, and the movies began to favor the Allied cause.
Most of the films produced during this time present some kind of aspect in times of war.
They were based on war or established themselves in an atmosphere of war.
This was true even if the movie had nothing to do with war.
The posters were widely used by the United States for propaganda during World War II.
Most of the posters had a positive message, which differed from other countries and were designed by artists who were not paid for their work.