Domination of two types of the sector in society decides the nature of its economy in the united states.
1. "Post-Industrial" of the United States society:
- post-Industrial society is based on service and information, manufacturing of goods and food production on a massive scale is NOT there.
- Positive aspects of post-industrial American society are such as, self-fulfillment and individual rights are more important.
2. "Industrial society" of the United states:
- Loss of skill from pre and industrial society leads to the struggle for resources and survival.
- Industrial society is driven by mass-scale production and the use of technology.
D. The Civil War was a fight between Northern and Southern states due to each side clashing together on certain issues and one issue being slavery in the American society
A list
1. Reload the page to see that same message will pop up. It its a system bug reloading the page should eliminate such bug.
2. If its an app, close the app and try logging into it again. If after logging in again, the problem still persists you may need to clear the app's cache.
Note: During this will delete every data on the app.
If this does not work also, you could try deleting the app and reinstalling it.
3. You should also check if the network signal is as strong as it should be. If it isn't, turn "off" the network and then turn it "on" again. This will serve as refreshing your network.
4. You could also go online and ask the community to know if the problem is general or just peculiar to you.
5. You could also utilize the "contact us" option, its usually at the button of the page. This will lead you to a tab where you can chat with a customer rep and describe your problems.
6. If every of the solution above does not cut it, you should restart your device so as to reboot the device operating system.
A. Like the Soviets, people in democracies B. Like the Soviets, people in democratic
were not worried about a different form of
societies also felt communism was an
attack on liberty and freedom
C. Like the Soviets, people in democracies
thought communists were spies.
D. Like the Soviets, people in democracies
worried about a different form of