The ecosystem that consists of a producer and consumer is a decomposer
- The ecosystem comprises a number of producers, ad decomposers. The producers belong to the bottom of the food chain and they are divided into primary and secondary such as plants and herbivorous animals like grass and deer.
- The secondary environment consists of consumers that are also divided into primary and secondary that is wolves and Man.
- The decomposers are the last in the food chain that acts of dead and decaying reasons and converts the nutrient energy into the soil that is take up again by plants.
Para que ningún acto o actividad que se lleve a cabo mientras el tratado se halle en vigencia constituirá fundamento para hacer valer, apoyar o negar una reclamación de soberanía territorial en la Antártida, ni para crear derechos de soberanía en esa región.
Horses allowed Native Americans to travel to find food and other supplies. Horses also helped strengthen military power. Horses were not the only animals making a large impact on the Americas.