Yes it’s higher than his baby boomers sucks
The theme of both poems is an endless, deep and passionate love. In ‘A red, red rose’ there is a structure, the stanzas each have four lines and the second and fourth line of each verse rhyme, giving the poem a very evident rhythm; on the other hand, ‘Sonet 43’ doesn’t have a rhyhtmic structure that evident, but there is the use of repetition of the phrase ”I love thee”. Both poems use figurative language to make comparisons: similes and metaphors (“O <em>my Luve is like a red, red rose</em>…”, “O <em>my Luve is like the melody</em>…”), ( “I love thee <em>to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach</em>…”). In ‘A red, red rose’ the writer uses elements of nature to make the comparisons (“Till a’ the<em> seas</em> gang dry, my dear, And the <em>rocks</em> melt wi’ the <em>sun</em>…”), while in ‘Sonet 43’ the writer uses human emotions and actions to compare (“I love thee <em>freely, as men strive for right</em>. I love thee <em>purely, as they turn from praise</em>. I love thee with the <em>passion put to us</em>. In my <em>old griefs</em>, and with my <em>childhood’s faith</em>.”).
I think this is the question you're asking..
she didn't do well.
she did well but, she didn't score as many points as her classmates/comrades/assistants did.
where are the lines put them in the comments and i will help you