The meaning of cummunal is to be done by the community or to be shared by all the members in the commuity.
The correct answer is C. Both the Masai and Marwe accept and value Chura in spite of his ugliness. Marwe loves him for the nice person he is, and the Masai people make him a warrior after he kills a lion that has attacked the cattle.
After becoming a warrior, the Masai want to change Chura's name, since it means "toad". They want him to be named after what he has done. In the end of the story, Marwe wants to marry a man named Lion. As a result, Chura decides to be called Lion and marry Marwe.
The noun phrase in the sentence above is the first option - the gooey, chocolate fudge brownies.
You have to write the whole thing and not separate these words because they are intricately connected into one noun phrase, so you cannot say just fudge brownies because that's not the whole phrase.
Tasted perfect is a verb phrase, and topped with icecream is an adjective phrase.
Answer: See explanation
23. However, the 16 GB and 64 GB versions of the iPhone6 and the iPhone6 Plus (are still being sold).
Based on the answer above, the correct option is B.
24. Today, over 13 million iPhone 6 and 6 plus phones (have been sold) worldwide.
Based on the answer above, the correct option is A.
The correct answer is C.
The daughter persuades him. He was first reluctant, but she convinces him at the end.