They mostly sang about freedom and hope of being set free. Like singabahambayo thina which was a very popular song that many were familiar with.
i can write a poem
the light from the mirror cast shadows of black but when i stared at those shadows, the shadows stared back
as i walked in the street I heard someone's feet, but as i looked back, where was nothing but black
a second I saw fireflies fly, the next they said goodbye
i felt lonely and scared, then i saw a glowing light, as if it dared me to follow and i followed
The closer i walked, the more quit it got, then i fell down a rathole and there i rot
Wiglaf is presented as an honorable, brave, and a loyal man. Even though his companions aren't brave people who wish to battle, he reminds them of the anglo-saxon values and chooses to help, instead of cower. A true warrior should never back down from a battle according to him, and he remains loyal and helpful.