Become the most populous empire in the world.
Hippocrates was a much admired physician from the island of Cos who taught students for fees. Throughout his life Hippocrates appears to have traveled widely in Greece and Asia Minor practicing his art and teaching his pupils, and he presumably taught at the medical school at Cos quite frequently.
This thing was copied, from britanica! :D
In English speaking jurisdictions the Square and Compasses are often depicted with the letter "G" in the center. The letter is interpreted to represent different words jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Among the most widely accepted interpretations are that: [G] stands for God, and is to remind Masons that God is at the center of Freemasonry. In this context it can also stand for Great Architect of the Universe (a reference to God). In a different context, the letter stands for Geometry, described as being the "noblest of sciences", and "the basis upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry is erected."[3]
Because in that certain case the defendant had to prove that there was discrimination against his race, as some believed there wasn't
OR 3, CA, 5, MO 4, TN 2, ID 3, NV 5, NY 1, TX 6, OH 2, NE 4, NC 1