The parables in the monk's tale tell us about the intentions of the monk that the Monk is lost in his own preaching or speech.
“Parable” is a short fiction story that illustrates or teaches a moral or religious value associated with it.
‘The Monk’s tale’ is a series of tragic stories which teach that one should not blindly trust prosperity as one’s fate keep changing. Chaucer’s intent is to make fun of parables and people who told them. This is because monk is only telling tragic stories to people. He is himself lost in his preaching to other people.
H - hilarious
A - agile
U - useful
K - kind
K - knowledgeable
A - analytical
H - happy
An acrostic poem is something where a certain word is taken and a word or phrase is written using that specific letter.
Best Regards,
Wolfyy :)
introduction or next two chapters