I, personally, believe that both men and women have performed specific roles throughout our history. There are many gender/sterotypes that we categorize both genders into. Gender roles are defined by the attitudes, behaviors, and even values. One major one that is still looked upon today is: men doing all the work, bringing money to his family while his wife stays home and cleans, cooks, and even takes care of the children and their everyday needs.
For decades in the U.S., there have been isolated incidents of removal of Confederate monuments and memorials, although generally opposed in public opinion polls, and several U.S. States have passed laws over 115 years to hinder or prohibit further removals.
In the wake of the Charleston church shooting in June 2015, several municipalities in the United States removed monuments and memorials on public property dedicated to the Confederate States of America. The momentum accelerated in August 2017 after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.[1][2][3] The removals were driven by the belief that the monuments glorify white supremacy and memorialize a government whose founding principle was the perpetuation and expansion of slavery.[4][5][6][7][8] Many of those who object to the removals, like President Trump, claim that the artifacts are part of the cultural heritage of the United States.[9]
The parthenon or the temple of athena
These changes reflect the fact that the parents of these two children are divorced and are undergoing adjustments on the custody of their children. This is often the most complicated part of filing for a divorce, because children are uprooted from their family backgrounds and are forced to live in a different situation from which they were accustomed to.
pro at keeping up on rent
helps thier children
Cleans after husband
takes care of husband