Bengal War, Campaign for the Eastern Subah's, was waged by the Mughal imperial crown ... Shah Alam II did manage to capture and hold Bihar before becoming a pensioner of the English. John Caillaud had set three ...
A group picnic
In the question above, since the local employees have already met the physiological and safety needs then based on the "hierarchy of needs theory" the next motivation level would be met via the promise of a particular "group picnic" i.e, via "love and belonging needs".
The hierarchy of needs theory was conceptualized by a psychologist named Abraham Maslow. He defined the "love and belonging needs" as the process that involves "range of intimacy" between different people and circumscribe empathy, compassion, caring, being part of a specific community, feelings of being approved or accepted vs. disapproved or rejected by a community, etc.
I was glad to read your letter a few days ago, but as I was busy with Diwali celebrations in the family, I could not write to you earlier than this.
Dashain is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar, celebrated by Nepalese of all caste and creed throughout the country. The fifteen days of celebration occurs during the bright lunar fortnight ending on the day of the full moon.
In Nepalese Hinduism, Kukur Tihar is a day devoted to the celebration of dogs. Photo by. In Nepal, Diwali is called Tihar. Similar to other Diwali observances, lamps are lit at night during Tihar.
Please convey my regards to your parents. Hoping to see you soon in our midst, I am,
Yours sincerely,
Beliefs are mental representations of reality, or what a person thinks is real or true; values are enduring beliefs that help the person decide what is ...