The answer is the last one D.
Source makes no sense, as a source can refer to:
A) A place of origin which information can be obtained.
B) The origin of something or someone.
A citation is:
A) A piece of reliable evidence or information from a worthy source.
And bias is:
A) A prejudice favoring one side or another, depending on the person's viewpoints
B) To give inclination toward a certain opinion (basically the same).
In Gerund form. (+ing).
This occurs since the tenses must be structured like this:
I will be ______________(VERB in gerund) +ing by tomorrow.
I have been ____________(VERB in gerund) +ing all day.
I will have been___________(VERB in gerund) + ing tomorrow by noon.
Answer: a man is injured and goes with his valet into a castle type place. He goes into a bedroom with paintings on the wall and a book explaining each painting. His valet falls asleep but the guy stays awake looking at the pictures and reading the book about them. He goes to adjust the candlelight and the light flares and a new picture appears that is freakishly lifelike. He reads the story in the book that explains it. The story is that a man was a painter and his wife didn’t like that he was a painter, but she sat for him to paint her to please him. As he began painting her she became ill. She got worse and worse as he painted more and more. When the painter finished his portrait of his wife and was excited it was so lifelike he saw that his wife was then dead.
The life of his wife was taken as he painted her.