The text says that throughout the Hebrew Bible, Judaism influenced the values, ethics, and principles of many other societies. W
rite an argument telling whether you believe this assertion is true and, if so, how do you think this influence of other societies occurred. Support you claims with what you know about ethics and principles in the stories of the Bible and those of societies and cultures with which you are familiar. (6-8 sentences)
Judaism - Judaism - Ethics and society: Jewish affirmations about God and ... Although this responsiveness is expressed on many levels, it is most explicitly called for ... Such injunctions, together with many other specific precepts and moral ... its own perspective and embracing them when they were found to be of value .Judaism marked the beginning of a revolutionary idea that laid the groundwork for social reform: humans have the ability and therefore the responsibility to stop injustices in the world. The Jews were the first to decide that it was their responsibility as the Chosen People to fight against inequality in the world.
What did Sam Houston think was the best way to deal with the Texas Indians? "treaties of peace and amity (friendship)..(with the Native Americans)". He advocated peace between Indians and Texans
Answer: In South America, early civilizations developed along the coast because the high Andes and the inhospitable Amazon Basin made the interior of the continent less favorable for settlement.