A Jewish couple is about to be married but they both worry about their family history. The man's uncle and the women's aunt died of Tay Sachs disease. Infer why the couple is hiring a genetic counselor analyze their families pedigree.
Reasons are not far-fetched, both intended couple might carry a dominant gene for Tay Sachs disease or one of them has a dominant gene for such, it is pertinent a genetic counselor analyze their family pedegree in order to avoid having such disease or passing it to their offspring.
The chances of either of the intended couple to carry such dominant gene of the disease is imminent.
D. Chloroplast is only found in plant cells not in animal cells
The correct answer is -
Genotypes: 1 heterozygous dominant: 1 recessive
Phenotypes: 1 long hair cat: 1 short hair cat
probability: 50% chances of both long and short hair cats
It is given that long hair is a dominant represented by H, over the short hair represented by h. In the cross of a heterozygous cat for long hair with a cat with short hair, would produce H, h and h, h gametes respectively.
Cross: Hh × hh
H h
h Hh hh
h Hh hh
In this Punnett, there are two heterozygous long hair offspring produced and two short-hair cats.
So, Genotypes: 1 heterozygous dominant: 1 recessive
Phenotypes: 1 long hair cat: 1 short hair cat
probability: 50% chances of both long and short hair cats
Asexual reproduction how view Available Hints Asexual reproduction when is limited to planets leads to a loss of genetic material produces offspring genetically.
Answer :Erwin Chargaff a Biochemist
He formulated the base paring of double helix of DNA. He reasoned that since the percentage of four DNA bases are of this proportions in human;
Adenine=30.9% and Thymine =29.4%;
Guanine=19.9% and Cytosine =19.8%
Then, the amount of adenine will always be equal to thymine,
And the amount of Guanine equals to cytosine based on this percentages of distribution.
(Adenine and Guanine are large, molecule of Purines, while thymine and Cytosine are Pyrimidine)
He concluded (although scientist believed, he did not explicitly stated this) that this should be the base paring patterns in DNA molecule. This is the first Chargaff Rule.
His second rule is that the DNA composition, in the relative amount of the four bases Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine varies in proportion from one organisms to another. And this is the basis of molecular diversity.