Anthropology- the study of the human race
Scientific method- the process and procedures by which we acquire information
Cuneiform- symbols that were used to represent objects
Hieroglyphs- symbols used to represent sounds
Linguistics- the stud of languages
Petroglyphs- pictures carved out of stone
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente, tu pregunta está incompleta. No incluiste los datos de la lectura anterior. Sin esa información, ¿cómo sabemos de los que estás hablando?
Lo único en lo que te podemos ayudar es con las características de un buen organizador gráfico para que tú lo elabores.
Recuerda que los organizadores gráficos te sirven para estructurar correctamente tus ideas y presentarlas de forma clara y secuencial, agrupando temáticamente tus conceptos.
Si la información de tu lectura se trata sobe "La Visión Lineal del Tiempo," entonces lo que puedes hacer es poner un cuadro con ese título en la parte de arriba, y centrarla. De ese cuadro se desprenderían otros tres cuadros en la parte media que serían: la "Visión Social," la "Visión Política," y la "Visión Espiritual." Y dentro de cada uno de esos recuadros, poner tres características principales que definan cada una de esas visiones del tiempo.
During the high Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church became organized into an elaborate hierarchy with the pope as the head in western Europe. He establish supreme power. Many innovations took place in the creative arts during the high Middle Ages. Literacy was no longer merely requirement among the clergy.
The church played a very important role in medieval society. Possessing religious and moral authority, she promoted the idea of the divine origin of royal power and encouraged people to be humble and submissive. Church parish was one of the most important forms of organization of social intercourse of people.
The Medieval church had a very important role during the Medieval Period. ... From the earliest times of the middle ages, people were taught that the only way to get to Heaven was through the church if the church would let them. The medieval church also had control over the state and the people, regardless of status.