One of the saddest facts about World War I is that millions died needlessly because military and civilian leaders were slow to adapt their old-fashioned strategies and tactics to the new weapons of 1914. New technology made war more horrible and more complex than ever before. The United States and other countries felt the effects of the war for years afterwards.
The popular image of World War I is soldiers in muddy trenches and dugouts, living miserably until the next attack. This is basically correct. Technological developments in engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, and optics had produced weapons deadlier than anything known before. The power of defensive weapons made winning the war on the western front all but impossible for either side.
Many people were mining for gold, silver, and oil during the 1800s to gain wealth and fame. So there were definitely many miners during the 1800s. Many people needed to put their valuables in banks. So there were also a lot of bankers, doctors, lawyers, ministers, and many other "White Collar" jobs.
The United Nations (UN) was made toward the finish of World War II as a worldwide peacekeeping association and a gathering for settling clashes between countries. The UN supplanted the inadequate League of Nations, which had neglected to forestall the flare-up of the Second World War.