Most of the fighting had taken place in the south, and this left the economy and cattle industry in ruins. Herds had been left un-managed during the war and had become half-wild by the time it had ended. Furthermore, the ruined economy meant there was little demand for expensive beef.
The Nazi death camps in chronological order are: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau. In 1941 the Chelmno camp was opened in Poland, soon followed in 1942 were Belzec<span>, </span>Sobibor<span>, and </span>Treblinka. The largest death camp was opened in 1943 and was known as Auschwitz-Birkenau,
Mycenaean culture flourished on<span> the </span>Greek <span>mainland</span>