Alexis de Tocqueville, a French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America
He says that the tension between freedom and equality is that there is a passion for equality, which makes every man's desire to be powerful and honored. However, there is a depraved taste for equality, which makes the weak want to lower the powerful to make everyone weak. Liberty is the important key aspect of everyone's desires, and they make efforts to obtain liberty, but if they don't obtain liberty than they would rather have everyone with the same equality. He highlights the fact law of humanity takes the key role in America.
The Anglo-Americans are the first people to emphasize sovereignty of the people, which means that the people are given the utmost power and liberties in the country. The people and the common good come first before anything else.
No, religion is not the root of all evil but it is a major source of conflict between different nations. Every religion gives teaching of peace and harmony and to avoid conflict and hatred towards each other. The actions of some extremists did not suggest that their religion is responsible for their actions, it is due to their ideology. Conflict mostly occurs due to intolerance of people against each other's religion.
Our flagship World Development
Report 2012 demonstrated that gender equality and economic development are inextricably linked. It showed
that equality not only guarantees basic
rights but also plays a vital role in promoting the robust, shared growth needed to end
extreme poverty in our increasingly competitive, globalized world. The persistent constraints and deprivations that prevent many
of the world’s women from achieving their
potential have huge consequences for individuals, families, communities, and nations.
The 2012 report recognized that expanding
women’s agency—their ability to make decisions and take advantage of opportunities—
is key to improving their lives as well as the
world we all share.
it's showed that the men were brave and also knew what people and the government needed to survive