mountain systems and fresh water
mountain systems are a group of mountain ranges with similarity in form, structure, and alignment that have arisen from the same cause, usually an orogeny. Take the Himalayan mountains for example.
Fresh waters are natural occurring waters except seawater and brackish water. for example they have lake Baikal,the Yangtze river etc.
Answer: B for the 1st question and C for the 2nd question
Explanation: The founding fathers were enlightened thinkers, meaning to reasoned and see things the way they are. They were influence of the ideas of ancient democracies such as those of ancient Greece and the republic of the Roman empire before Julius Ceasar.
Democracy comes from the Greek word, demos meaning people and ocracy, meaning society of. The word means society of the people.
The senate comes from the Roman empire.
Hope this explanation helps.
in a limited government the government is limited by law
in a unlimited government the law sets no limits on the actions of a government
tyranny can result in an abuse of power such as the abuse military power against its citizens.
When there is a normal democratic limited government the government can not use force like police or military against protesters or other sorts of opposition. In an unlimited government or a tyranny the government can enforce its will on its citizens and almost nothing can stop it except an uprising or something similar.
look the same all over the Earth
Example: Cuagas, and Puerto Rico. Vous pouvez visited W I k I p e d I a pour plus information.