During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which is what humans breath. So, when the human breaths in the oxygen, in the process of cellular respiration, we create carbon dioxide and it goes in a cycle.
town of Supai is known as the most remote area in the United States. The roads
can only be accessed by foot or by the use of mules. Mail is still being
carried out by mules. There are no vehicles in the community also. The nearest
accessible road is 8 miles far from Supai.
The correct answer is - they all contain three quatrains and a couplet.
The structure of all of Shakespeare's sonnets is the same - all of them contain three quatrains and a couplet. A quatrain is a stanza consisting of 4 lines, and a couplet contains 2 lines. So in total, a Shakespearean sonnet consists of 14 lines. The couplet is the most important part of the poem - it is the explanation and the main theme of the entire sonnet.
Limerick are short and humurous poems consisting of only five lines, they were popularized by an english poet named Edward Lear. Edward wrote an entire book full of limericks, it was called "The book of nonsense".
A very popular Limerick is:
<em>“Hickory dickory dock.
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
And down he run.
Hickory dickory dock.”</em>
Limericks are supposed to be nonsensical and they have an a-a-b-b-a rhyming pattern.