It was a long and bloody struggle among several factions in constantly shifting alliances which resulted ultimately in the end of the 30-year dictatorship in Mexico and the establishment of a constitutional republic.
The pros were that you were being protected by the guild in case of something bad happening you like getting hurt or similar. They would help you and your family for example. The cons were that you wouldn't be able to dictate the price of your wares which was done to prevent exploitation of consumers, so even if you were in a position to establish a personal monopoly, you couldn't and you couldn't become richer than what is the adequate wealth for a merchant.
The tax burden in France, prior to the French Revolution, fell on the shoulders of the 98% of the population that made up the Third Estate. The First Estate consisted of the clergy, and the Second Estate was the nobility. Those two estates overlapped in some ways, because high ranking church officials functioned as a form of aristocracy too. And the two leading Estates colluded with one another to keep the system operating the way it was, with them having all the privileges and powers underneath the monarchy.
The answer you’re looking for I believe, is Commerce.
Isaac Newton, a worldwide known astronomer, physicist, mathematician and the creator of famous "Three Laws of Newton" brought up a metaphor of dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants from the 12th century. The meaning of the above-mentioned metaphor is that people should discover truth based on previous experiences. The exact phrase Newton said in 1675 was that if he had seen further that was by standing on the shoulders of Giants.