B more ice on the earths surface. Greenhouse gases don’t tend to block the solar energy, but trap the energy that radiates from the earths surface. Dissolved CO2 becomes carbonic acid. More CO2 results in more carbonic acid. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases.
A: The energy in most ecosystems flows through the food chain. In terrestrial ecosystems and most marine ecosystems, the energy flow starts in green plants that harvest some of the sun’s energy. The plants are then consumed by animals, bacteria and other creatures, which are themselves eaten by other creatures.
im going up and down and left to right fro the boxes.
under radiation should be the following: sunlight warming the interior, the fireplace
under convection:the heat coil in toaster oven, air masses moving
under conductioin: the engine being to hot to touch, stove burner warming water.
The type of shock presented by a patient with a known history of gastric ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding with recent history of passing a lot of blood is called hypovolemic shock. The patient is now on the later stages of shock as he is tachycardic and hypotensive (significant as mechanisms to maintain a normal blood pressure is failing at this point).
Mercuric particles is the right answer
Pseudomonas has a plasmid containing the mer operon that incorporates a quality for mercuric reductase catalyzing mercuric particle to an uncharged type of mercury. The inducer is mercuric particles.