I would cut the number of baths and showers to half if there is a water scarcity issue in near future. Plus, I would encourage my friends and family members to do that too, unless an alternative water recylcing is not developed.
There are several benefits associated with my choice. These are
It would reduce the burden of extensive water use in the society.
I can use the saved amount of water for other important tasks such as drinking purposes so I will not run out of water in case of severe scarcity.
It will reduce the energy usage and I would have to pay less.
It is a sustainabe practice and would reduce the water issue for future including next generations.
An operational definition is used to define the terms of a process which is needed to determine the nature of an item such or its properties such as quantity, chemical composition, etc.
The degree of operationalization vary.
Operational definitions can be defined as labels and concepts in the way they are measured.
For example: The operational definition of weight can be like this:
How many pennies are needed to balance the weight of something.
When we hang something from a spring, how much a spring streches.
Answer is: a secretary smokes a cigarette in a crowded break room. External cost Is when consuming a good or servise imposes a cost to a third party. In this case, smoking affects other people in break room, causing pollution and health related problems.