Yes, as he found it difficult to comprehend the things he was surrounded by. He was curious about his father, and yet, he was frightened by the things his father was excited to show him. Moon Shadow was uncomfortable and frightened by the electric light, the ear phones, the crystal set, the strangely constructed machines, all of which he believed to be some kind of magic.
"I didn't say anything, but father realized I was scared from the way I was shaking.”
The poem has a different understanding once you take into account she committed suicide soon after. In the poem she talk of being dead in the figurative sense and hiding it with smiles of accomplishment and illusions. Instead after you see she meant she was dead inside and when she talked of her feet saying we've gone to far she means she's tired of living. And again she talks of flowe petals closing as she closes in on herself.
To go
Vas comes fro the conjugation of va what means to go