B. The use of indigenous populations as part of a system of forced labor
Georgia’s legislature enforced the decision of the Supreme Court’s, acknowledging that federal law took priority.
A Supreme Court case declared segregated schools are against their constitution. The rule separate but equal was no longer valid after this. The General assembly in Georgia opposed to this ruling and declared it null and void.
After this, all the public schools who decided to segregate were closed in Georgia and also the funding was stopped. The National flag was changed and several other steps were taken to show resistance against the new enforcement.
The enhanced standard of living of the citizens is the best indication of a more developed society.
- A number of parameters can be applied for the measurement of the development of any given society.
- But in order to determine whether the development has percolated down to the lowest strata of society, it is necessary to take note of the level of standard that the citizens have achieved to live their day-to-day life with.
- Only through the determination of standard of living of the citizens, the true picture of development would surface.
Economic problems and crisis led to rise of nationalism, especially among those countries that were not satisficed with the decision of Versailles Peace Conference.
They blamed governments for the unsuccessful economical policy and stressed out that only strong national policy can only bring welfare. That is how fascism started rising promising welfare and better life.
Fascism started rising first in Italy, but later spread across Europe. Its peak was reached in Germany in a form of Nazism.
This totalitarian regimes led to Europe to the biggest war the world has ever seen and devastation of Biblical proportion.