When the novel is set she is 23. Her youth, beauty and wit are juxtaposed by an intense sadness and pessimism that shi is not oftem able to hide. With her blonde hair, white dress, outwardly sunny disposition Daisy represents the vanishing purity of America. She also represents the country's ominous condradictions. Daisy's unhapiness with her aimless lifestyle contrasts with her commonly perceived image of having a being passionate and thrilling.
Jil was not only very ill from not gettin no sleep she was over weight from a bad diet
All these words:
<em>Maritime, Marina, Marinate, Marinara, Marine, </em>and<em> Mariner</em>
Share the same Latin Root:
"Mare" which means "sea"
Because raising the minimum age to graduation can lead to drop outs and because people just blow through school