weekly salary is 650$
the number of days in a week is 7.
7 days salary is 650$
one day salary is 650/7
the number of days in semi month is 30/2 = 15 days
so the salary of semi month is 15*650/7 = 1392.85 $
so the salary of semi month is 1392.85 $.
Your answer would be 4 blue envelopes.
This is because, 20 out of 28 envelopes are white which leaves us with 8 envelopes that aren't. We are told that there are four more tan envelopes than blue, so doing 8 - 4 gives you the answer of 4 blue envelopes.
I hope this helps!
<h2>4th term is 8</h2>
Step-by-step explanation:

That's the same as writing 65 - 24, which is 41.