Based on the historical background provided which two claim in this
Here ya go
If it were not for my sister, I wouldn't have been able to do it at all. ... As I know this is so often not the case, I wanted to take the time and thank her and all the ... and say over and over again, “I'm not helping you enough, should I fly in? ... Tell them often how grateful you are and how much their trust makes it ...
The usage of at is the error
IN is for large spaces that can enclose (village, city, state, province, country, continent, mountain range, desert, zone, etc.)
ON is for surfaces.( street/avenue/road, most bodies of water, etc)
AT is for points ( We live at an address, at a certain point and at a certain person’s residence if just the possessive case is used to mean the residence.)
1- I live in Belgrade.
2-They live on Mulberry Street
3-I live at 199 Main Street
Conclusion: AT is a tiny point, ON is bigger, and IN is big enough to surround you.
The argument Minow makes in his speech is about
The nation's children depend on television to entertain and educate them.
A tip i can give you is to use a topis that you are strong about. Forexample, if you strongly believe that state tests should not be administered you should use that. But ypou need evidence to back this claim up. If you dont, then the essay wont be per<span>suasive</span> it will only be an opinion that people wont believe.