The Dust Bowl intensified the hardship.
Jumonville's murder in captivity incited a strong French response, and Washington was unable to defend his makeshift Fort Necessity from French forces led by Jumonville's half-brother. Washington surrendered on July 4 and signed a confession—in French, which he could not read—to Jumonville's assassination.
Reduced dependence on nonrenewable resources
Our dependence on fossil fuels has actually increased dramatically as more and more people own vehicles. Vehicles are becoming more efficient, but with so many on the road at once, we're burning through our nonrenewable resources fast. It may not happen on our lifetimes, but we'll run out eventually and unless we find a better source of energy by then, we'll be in a bad situation.
<span>Elizabeth Cady Stanton is referring to women. Women in the context of wanting to be allowed to take on new roles in the family and society. Roles that she feels they are entitled to take in the pursuit of happiness.</span>
Hey there,
The first president of usa was George Washington.
George Washington was born in February 22, 1732 and died in December 14, 1799. He became president in April 30, 1789 and stopped being in the term of office in March 4, 1797