Islam is a complete way of life, with rules regarding diet, hygiene, relationships, business, law and more. Ramadan is a important holiday.
Might be B: by combining China's collectives into self-sufficient People's Communes.
(2) is renewable, so it will decrease the environmental impact of the tower
Wind power is a renewable energy that cannot be depleted and as such is sustainable. Additionally, replacing renewable energy such as gas power by renewable energy such as wind, solar or hydopower will reduce the use of fossil fuels and hence reduce environmental impact of the tower businesses.
More developed countries (MDCs) are located mainly in North America (Anglo-America) and East and West Europe (additional: Japan & South Pacific).
Least developed countries (LDCs) are located mainly in Latin America, East and South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia/North Africa, and pretty much the whole of frican Africa is considered one big LDC. Africa is pretty much a continent of LDCs.
China has the largest population in the world