<span>This theory is called punctuated equilibrium. In this theory it is explained that there are very long periods of no change at all to a species, yet there are also bursts of evolutionary change interspersed within the time period. The period of remaining the same throughout time (most of the time) is called stasis, and is present within this theory of punctuated equilibrium.</span>
The immune response is your body's third line of defense. In this response, your body releases B-Cells and T-Cells to fight the antigen and destroy it.
Hope this helps!
-Carbon has 4 electrons in its outer shell
-It can achieve a full outer shell by forming Covalent Bonds
F1 Females - all wild type
F1 Males - all wild type
F2 Females - - all wild type
F2 Males - 1/2 wild type, 1/2 vermilion
The wild-type allele (Xᵛ⁺) is dominant over vermilion (Xᵛ), which is a sex-linked trait.
Female flies have two X chromosomes, male flies have one X and one Y chromosome.
A homozygous wild-type female fly (Xᵛ⁺Xᵛ⁺) is mated with a vermilion male fly (XᵛY).
The female parent can only produce Xᵛ⁺ gametes.
The male parent can produce either Xᵛ or Y gametes.
When gametes from both parents fuse, the F1 offspring will have the genotypes Xᵛ⁺Xᵛ (females with wild type eyes) and Xᵛ⁺Y (males with wild type eyes).
The F1 females can produce Xᵛ⁺ and Xᵛ gametes. The F1 males can produce Xᵛ⁺ and Y gametes.
When the F1 individuals interbreed, the gametes combine to give rise to the F2 offspring. The possible combination of gametes that will give the different genotypes and phenotypes in the F2 are:
- Xᵛ⁺Xᵛ⁺ females with wild type eyes
- Xᵛ⁺ Y males with wild type eyes
- Xᵛ Xᵛ⁺ females with wild type eyes
- Xᵛ Y males with vermilion eyes